Monday, March 18, 2013

Nude Study II, Oakley

Another quick study from the same model, done in Oakley, CA last Monday evening.  She was a very good model, and when I asked her how she stayed awake, she said "meditation".  This was done in 40 minutes +/-, and I'm putting it up on auction on Daily Paint Works.  I hope you'll check out this site and see my other posted paintings and paintings on auctions.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quick Study

Although I haven't posted on this blog for quite some time, I have been busily painting as much as possible.  I've joined some life drawing/painting groups in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been thoroughly enjoying painting from life and meeting new artists.  This pastel study was painted last night from a model in Oakley, CA. This was done in two 20 minute sessions of the same pose. 
It is up for auction on