Tuesday, September 14, 2010


After packing up Saturday night, I got on the road early and arrived at the paint out site, sponsored by the Fremont Art Association, at Lake Elizabeth around 9 a.m. When I checked in and had my pastel papers stamped, they gave me a phone number to call for someone to watch my supplies if I needed a break. They said one of the artists had already had their art back pack stolen! I walked around the lake a bit, looking for a good painting site, then headed to my car for art supplies. The park was already very crowded this Sunday morning. I set my wallis pastel papers, cut to the size of three frames I had brought for this event, beside my car as I unloaded my easel, pastels, umbrella, and appurtenances, and headed to my site near the water. When I realized I had left my precious papers by the car, I packed up again and headed back....only to find that someone had already stolen them!! This was such a mean, unreasonable theft! How many thieves are going to have materials and know-how to use wallis pastel papers? Well, that was it for me.....entry fee forfeited, no chance for prize money,......I don't think I'll go back to Lake Elizabeth in Fremont with anything valuable!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stealing your paper was like stealing a carpenter's tools. It is too bad that the thief did not consider the implications of stealing something that, as a professional artist, would affect your livelihood. It was a terrible crime and I was very sorry to hear about it!
