Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week-end with the Master's in Monterey, CA

I had a spectacular four days in Monterey, California last week at the Master's Convention. It was busy, busy all day long and into the evenings. I saw demos/presentations from Richard Schmid, Scott Burdick, Dan Gerhartz, Joe Paquet, Sherri McGraw, and Dan McCaw. There were also evening panels and demos. It was total art immersion!
The second painting here is the figure I did in Dan Gerhartz workshop Thursday afternoon.
The top figure is from Dan McCaw's workshop. This is really not what he was showing us in his demo. He did a head from his model. He set up a model for us in the afternoon and basically said to just start painting, using three or four values. (I was the only one in all of my workshops using pastels.) I was trying to be very loose, and this is what I ended up with after a couple of hours. I got a few compliments, which was nice, but the best was from the model who asked if she could photograph it. She said it looked just like her. ......except, that was not the purpose of the class!


Carole Belliveau said...

Beautiful job! I covet a workshop with Dan McCaw. His way of painting is not all that easy, is it?! I did the same thing in a workshop earlier this year with Carolyn Anderson. I'd love to hear what you learned form each of them.

c.j.myers said...

Hi Carole:
Thanks for checking my blog. Have you thought about joining our casual plein aire group in Yosemite next month? If you're interested in maybe finding another artist or two to join, I'll send you the information from the lodge we're staying in.
We would have a chance to get caught up.
E-mail me at my yahoo address if you want.

Carole Belliveau said...

Karen invited me but I am off to see my Granddaughter in Mexico next week for her third birthday. I have already done the Carolyn Anderson workshop this year so now my budget and time is shot. But please keep me in mind for next year since you guys seem to do someplace exotic often. I am working mostly on figures this year and feel like I need to get out there again. I would love to come out to your area and paint near the river late afternoon sometime. As you know my mother lives in Brentwood. We should do that for a day or two this fall sometime. We have so much in common.